London, UK

The owners of this Hampstead flat loved their home, but felt that their back garden was in need of an update. The garden was visible from almost all angles of the flat. The first and second stories had floor to ceiling windows that looked directly out and onto the garden from above. Working with this in mind, Christine Krause Design Studio created a space that is visually appealing not only from the first level, but also from above.

The clients also had some specific items they desired for their garden. They wanted a space that was sophisticated, clean, modern, but also included a green area for their young boys and small dog. The planting was to be low maintenance and with a simple color palette.

The new design establishes a strong relationship between the house, the gardens and the surrounding landscape. Siting the various elements on an angle allows for maximum use of the small, irregular space. The small water feature softens the transition from the more adult spaces to the children’s play area. A seating area with a built-in mahogany bench, which can accommodate a bistro table, and grilling area were added. The horizontal fencing ties in the new deck area. The planting included Boxwood, Grasses, Bamboo, and Anemones.

The design intention is understated yet sophisticated and allows for continued enjoyment as the family matures.


Twin Lakes, CT